Arrange Play Order in Playbooks


The ability to reorder your plays within your playbook has been added as of 8/14/2014.  This was one of the most requested new features, so we got this added in as quickly as we could.


Its a very easy to use feature, but we have provided the instructions below just in case you have any questions.


Step 1: Choose Direction to Move Play


From your playbooks grid view you will notice 2 new buttons, a LEFT and RIGHT arrow, these new buttons are what you will use to reorder your plays, simply click on the direction you wish to move the play.


After a play has been rearranged you will notice a thin blue outline, this is your indicator that the play has been moved and it is safe to move again or move another play if needed.



As always make sure to save your changes when you are done to prevent lost work.


We know a lot of coaches requested this feature, so we listened and got this ready as fast as we could, please let us know if you run into any problems or have any questions.


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