List of Supported Devices


Below are a list of devices that we know are fully supported as well as many who should be supported.  If you notice your device is not listed or something is incorrect please let us know so we can keep this list updated.



Operating System Internet Explorer (IE) Firefox Chrome Opera
Windows XP (SP3 only) NONE 29+ 35+ 12
Windows Vista NONE 29+ 35+ 12
Windows 7 IE 11 29+ 35+ 12
Windows 8 IE 11+ 29+ 35+ 12
Windows 8.1 IE 11+ 29+ 35+ 12
Windows 10 Edge 29+ 35+ 12


Operating System Safari Firefox Chrome Opera
Any OSX Latest 29+ 35+ 12



(phones are not officially supported, only tablets due to screen size)

Operating System Internet Explorer (IE) Firefox Chrome Opera
4.0+ NONE 29+ 35+ 12



(phones are not officially supported, only tablets due to screen size)

Operating System Safari Firefox Chrome Opera
Any OSX Latest 29+ 35+ 12




(phones are not officially supported, only tablets due to screen size)

Operating System Internet Explorer (IE) Firefox Chrome Opera
Any newer release ( 1year or less) NONE 29+ 35+ 12



Operating System Internet Explorer (IE) Firefox Chrome Opera
Any NONE 29+ 35+ 12



There are countless numbers of device/operating system/browser combo, the bottom line is that if you can run the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Opera you should be good to go.

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